Friday 19 September 2014

operation management quiz

7040 Units Produced    , Sold for $1.10/unit, Cost of labor of $1,000, Cost of materials, 520 Cost of overhead $2000 calculate multiform productivity.
Define operations management.
By taking an example of food processor list down the operations involved in that.
What are the diseconomies of scale?
How the foreign govt plays a rule in the location selection?
How will you define the numerically controlled machines?
Give 4 reasons that why we need layout design?
Design capacity = 50 trucks/day., Effective capacity = 40 trucks/day, Actual output = 36 units/day. Calculate efficiency and utilization.
What is robust design? Give one example ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................   What is delayed differentiation?
Reasons of product and service design?
You want to improve the productivity of your employees what measures you can take to improve it. ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
What is bottleneck operation?
What are the factors that are affecting the productivity?
Rita is a high school student. She would like to have a career in business, have a good job, and earn enough income to live comfortably. Write –mission, goal, strategy, tactics and operation .……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Give the examples of the operations –entertainment and communication.
What are the different areas where we can use the operations management?

How will you define the value added?
By using which of the operational parameters business can compete?
What are the three rules of line balancing?
What is concurrent engineering?
What are production chunks?
What is standardization? 
Assume a six hour workday compute the cycle time for an output of 250 units.
What is modular design?

Difference between letter and memo

A letter is short or long message that is sent by one person to another.
Memo is short message that is sent by on e person to another.
Letter is more formal & contains more information.
Memo is informal & it is very short.
A letter is exchange between business & theirs Clint.
Memo is exchange between individual with an organization.
Less attention of grammar in letter.
Less attention of grammar in memo.
Letter is less concise and to the point as compared to a memo.
Memo is more concise and to the point as compared to a letter.

Difference between email and memo

Email open with a TO, FROM, SUBJECT, CC & some Circumstances a BCC.
A memo is quite similar to email. It to open with a TO, FROM, SUBJECT & also has a DATE line.
Email is a great way to send message more than one person.
Memo does not provide that send message more than one person.
Some occasion an email uses bullets to improve its readability.
Memo do not content bullets just reading & columns to highlight the information.
Email always closes the information from whoever is sending the email.
Memo usually omits a closing & never uses a signature.
A Email then opens with the receivers name to express friendliness and to mark the Beginning of a message.
Memos get directly to the point and provide ragged line endings that are not yet justified.

Case Incident 2 should companies that fire shot first? full solution

The use of electronic communication is ever growing with individuals and corporations. Facebook, Texting, Emails, and Blogs are used throughout both. It is estimated that over 112 million blogs and more than 350 million blog entries are now read daily. Layoffs are a last resort for most business. When the economy is in recession. Some of the workforce, employees were very embarrassed and feel physically ill every time when go to work. Some companies have policies in place governing the content of blogs, many don’t, and 39 percent of individual bloggers say they have posted comments that could be construed as harmful to their company’s reputation. I believe it is in the company’s best interest for all employees who are posting on personal blogs and social media sites should include their name along their opinions expressed is that of their own, and not those of the company they work for. Companies should provide a good social media policy that should prohibit all uses of social media that are disrespectful, inflammatory, offensive, dishonest or damaging to the company’s business interests. The policy should prohibit employees from publishing any information that has the potential or effect of involving the employee, their co-workers, or company in any kind of dispute or conflict with other employees or third parties. Employees also cannot publish anything that creates a harassing, demeaning, or hostile working environment for any other employee. Employees must be informed in advance that any communication about the company in any electronic form can be monitored for the company’s best interest.



Social media is a very important part of any organisation. So if an organisation is to able to create a good impact on social media then the employees have a trust for their organisation and they try to do work better.

Nowadays everything is transparent inside as well as outside the organisation. So is now fair enough. So now employees are not in fog. Blog Expert Andy Sernovitz says “There are hold out companies that will wish there was traditional P.R. control of the message but that day is long over.”

By keeping good relation between employee and employer there is less chance of negative impact in the organisation. Through this they can have interaction to both parties. So there is less chance for blogs against the organisation because they are free with each other so if they have any problem they can present it in front of each other.


If there is anything disclosed before anything happened then there is negative communication with the employee. They become demotivated by this. It creates bad impact on the organisation. So there should be no discussion before doing anything sometimes it creates misunderstanding among the employee.

If there is sacking in the organisation they should not disclose earlier because it creates negative psychological impact on the employee. Suppose if any training and development team come in organisation after hearing about the sacking they will think people come to fire them from job so they remain always in tension about their job it will give a negative psychological impact on the employees.

Giving blog against the company it is an unethical behavior. It creates bad impact on the organisation. It misguides the people a lot. Every employee should be loyal towards his/ her organisation. Suppose any employee from Lovely Professional University give any unofficial blog against lovely it creates bad impact to overall.

If the company have good loyal employee with them then they have a good reputation in the market also. Every employee should be loyal so that they don’t anything wrong about the company. It is the best opportunity for the company to have good reputation with the help of best and loyal employees.

If the employees post good things through blogs it will create good positive impact for the organisation. It also having good positive impact on employee’s psychological perception.

If the employee have good environment inside the organisation and can do work without any tension they can be more productive for the company. They can do work in a fresh mind which influence them to do best for their organisation. They will not hesitate in any matter.

When the employees heard that there is sacking going on other companies they will come with new ideas to impress their authorities to make safe themselves from sacking. So company have a lot of such kind of new innovative ideas with them which they can implement in the market profit.

Now it is a day of science. It spreads it root to all sector. It has both good and bad part. It depends on our using. So if the employees want to create bad impact to others through blogs about the organisation they can do. That means it is a threat for the company.

Sometimes rival companies do sacking so the employee of this company always remain in fear also he or she may be fired from his or her job anytime so he or she can’t give full concentration on work.

Due to wrong information given in the blog it impacts on the employee as well as the stake holder also. Sometime company loose its market share also. So it decrease the reputation of the company in the market also.


1. Do you think Tesla CEO Elon Musk did the right thing when he blogged about impending layoffs just before announcing them to employees? Why or why not?
ANSWER: I believe that in the case of Tesla Motors, their CEO, Elon Muck, acted in the best interest of not only his company but of their employees as well. I think the most important thing in dealing with anyone whose livelihood is at stake is pretty direct and open communication. That approach grounds employees with solid information and can alleviate workers' anxiety. In times of uncertainty, what people most crave is some information that helps make decisions. The use of electronic communication is ever growing with individuals and corporations. Facebook, MySpace, Texting, Emails, and Blogs are used throughout both. It is estimated that over 112 million blogs and more than 350 million blog entries are now read daily (Robbins & Judge, 2011). Layoffs are a last resort for most business. They know cuts can quickly throw their companies into a tailspin by decimating morale and can hobble turnaround efforts once demand revives. Many first try to find ways to reduce payroll costs without cutting staff on which they spent serious time and money to train and develop. Of course, not every company can avoid layoffs, particularly in a sharp downturn, when sales are tanking.

2. Do you think employees have a responsibility to be careful when they blog about their company? Why or why not?
ANSWER: Yes, employees have a responsibility to be careful when they blog about their company. Because sometimes it creates negative impact when they blog against the company. Sometimes some give blog without any proper information but other employees believe it as true. They can’t give full concentration on work. They remain always in fear. It create self-bias error to the employee. We can give example like this suppose after getting the news of sacking if any group of training and development members come in the company without any intention of layoff, just only for official purpose but the employees will think that they come for layoff them. We can also give example off connection theory also. When Mr. IVAN PAVLOV [Russian Scientist] on his third experiment to his dog he just rang the bell without showing the piece of meat but even then the dog generated saliva from his mouth. Something like this happened her also. They remain always in fear so that when anybody comes in the company they feel that the people come for sacking.

3. Do you think employees who blog about their companies have an ethical responsibility to disclose their identities?
ANSWER: During past downturns, layoffs were mostly a private affair. Big companies tended to issue vague press releases filled with jargon about “downsizing,” and start-ups often gave people the pink slip without telling the world anything at all. Not anymore. In the age of transparency, the layoff will be blogged. I think employees who blog about the company he should also reveal his identity. If he or she don’t do so then it is an unethical behavior. Because sometimes if the news is wrong then it might misguides the people and sometimes employers get furious and begin to doubt all the other employees also. The employees also think who do so this but all of them remain in fog. But it is also mentioned that there should be such environment where they can publish anything legal whether it is good and bad for the company. So it becomes clear who are saying this and what he intend to say.

4. How can a company develop a policy for handling communication of sensitive issues inside, and outside, the company?
ANSWER: Company can handle communication of sensitive issues inside and outside the company through social media. They can use different techniques suppose they will give identification number and password for separate employees. So every employee who want to post something he may have to register for this. So anyone other can’t post through his Id. We can give example off UMS at LOVELY PROFESSIONAL UNIVERSITY, every student have separate ID and password so if they want to tell something they can say but it is clear to all who and what he want to say. And one more thing anyone from outside can’t see what is going on inside the university.


We have moved into more of an electronic communication era than ever before, which allows not only companies but their employees to communicate publicly and globally. Companies have the right to protect themselves against employees, ex-employees or even disgruntled employees by creating communication policies as guidelines for their employees. These individuals also have the right to hold themselves responsible when posting or communicating about the company they work for.